Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Welcome to my site

I am not going to do this blog to achieve external accolades (except for money and women; women flock to unemployed bloggers, right?). Instead I hope to just synthesize a bit about the tremendous amount of media I take in, from movies to shows to books. I'll also throw in the occasional internet meme that I find hilarious. For me the highest form of accomplishment in these media is when there is meaning underneath the entertaining surface - and that is what I'd like to talk about.

My first official movie "review" will be on Friday, a movie I've been waiting awhile to see called "30 Days of Night," about a bunch of vampires that realize Alaska is a good vacation spot where the sun goes down for 30 days. I love vampire movies and books, and recently have been reading Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles - which kicks ass by the way - so hopefully that will be a good basis of comparison.

By the way, the site's title comes from the logical fallacy that a proposition is true because many or all people believe it, or argumentum ad populum. Be individual, think for yourself.

As well, a note on my rating system. I generally give decent movies 3.5 stars out of 5. Four stars is a benchmark that I give out often to very good movies. Three is mediocre, while 2.5 or below is probably not worth seeing. Five stars is rare, but it means that the show or movie was great on all levels.

Edit: If you haven't discovered it by now, I am also using this site to type a lot about my interest in baseball. So it serves a dual function, and should be pretty evenly balanced - if you don't like baseball, skip over those parts and read on for the media-related entries.

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